Friday 6 February 2015

Heathbrook School - a parent's perspective!

Heathbrook Primary School is a primary school in Lambeth, in South London. I am a parent of a child at the school. My other child is in the school nursery, and will start at the school in September 2015.

Recently my attention was drawn to a single blog post that was created under the name Heathbrook Primary School Whistleblower by a disaffected ex-governor of the school, back in July 2012. This post has hung around like a bad smell, unfortunately shows up in Google searches, and is putting prospective parents off from sending their children to what is a great school.

Obviously, funding follows pupils, and so by deterring prospective parents, this malicious blog is harming the school, and with it, the education of all of the children at Heathbrook. So I have created this alternative blog to refute some of the original, untruthful claims.

The Heathbrook Primary School Whistleblower site claims to be set up to reverse what she claims are the "plummeting standards" of the school. Instead, it makes libellous accusations about the new Headmaster and Deputy Head of the school. The original blogger is cowardly, hiding behind a cloak of anonymity, and prevents any comments being made, effectively muzzling any parents who disagree with her claims.

I am actually not going to go into the tawdry reasons that really lie behind her decision to create the blog as, in truth, none of this matters, if her claims were not so untrue and so damaging.

My daughter has been a pupil at the school for a number of years. Throughout that time, I have been tremendously impressed with the headmaster, Ben Roberts. I have always found him to be unbelievably dedicated to the school and the pupils. One of the things that has most impressed me is his knowledge of what happens at the school on a day-to-day level. He interacts with the children on a pleasantly familiar level, appearing to know each one personally. When my daughter had been going through a dance faze in the playground, he fondly referred to it at the end of the day. When her grandparents were coming into school, Ben Roberts already knew about their impending arrival. Such easy familiarity comes with knowing each child, and listening to them – even when, as with the case of my daughter, that might involve quite a bit of listening!

I am also amazed at the access that parents get to both the Head and Deputy Head. At the morning drop-off and at the evening pick-up Ben Roberts always seems to be at one of the school gates, with the Deputy Head, Mrs Guertin, at the other. Far from not being available, they go out of their way to be available daily. If a parent has any issues at school, they simply have to walk up to Mr Roberts or Mrs Guertin and speak to them.

This caring and nurturing atmosphere is shown by the whole school. When my daughter was diagnosed with a serious medical condition that needs daily treatment; teachers, administrators and classroom assistants were queuing up to volunteer to be trained.

The school is a great mix of all types of people. It reflects London in its entire diversity. It is a happy place, where my children feel secure. Learning is fun, and teachers seem unbelievable dedicated and skilled. The headmaster has a great vision for the school, is committed beyond the call of duty. He could not be more approachable if he nailed himself to the front gate!

If your child is allocated Heathbrook Primary as their school, then you please ignore the bitter and cowardly untruths of the Whistleblower blog. Make an appointment to visit the school. Speak to Ben Roberts, and some of the other staff, and you will realise just how lucky you, and your child have been to be invited to be a part of the welcoming family that is Heathbrook Primary School.

Unlike the so-called Whistleblower, I am not just prepared to allow comments on this blog, I am actually inviting parents to comment on the school, and will only delete postings from people who, quite frankly, do not have the guts to put their name to their comments.